Born 1929. Current age 93. Roy is an American computer scientist and inventor. A founding member of Hewlett-Packards computer division. Is also known as the "Godfather if Silicon Valley" Playing a huge part in the development of computer science throughout the decades helpline to pave the way for other African Americans interested in careers in the computer science industry.

Helped to patent the Telephone and Light Bulb. An inventor and patent draftsman. His inventions included an evaporative air conditioner.

The first Black woman to earn a doctorate degree from MIT, the second woman in America to earn a degree in physics.

Self-taught, was the first Black mechanical and electrical engineer after the Civil War. He also worked on trains and streetcars.

Possibly the most prominent Black scientist of the early 20th century. He helped improve the everyday life of farmers and Americans. He also received the Spingarn Medal of the NAACP.

Born Isabella Baumfree, 1797 - 1883. An abolitionist for womans rights activist and anti-slavery. She was emancipated from enslavement by way of New York state law in 1827.

1929 - 1968... Married to Coretta Scott, Martin was an American Baptist preacher and civil rights activist in 1955. He also influenced movements such as The Black Consciousness Movement and Civil Right Movement of Africa. A famous quote of his reads... "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

An American hero and baseball pioneer. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was the first Black man to play professional baseball in the Major Leagues. Born 1919 - 1972.

Students reading books in class at JM Gandy, located in Ashland Virginia. A segregated school then, in the 1940's, JM Gandy School had an all Black staff of teachers, workers and students.

W.E.B. Du Bois, born in Massachusetts, Feb. 23rd, 1868, Du Bois was a sociologist, historian, Civil-Rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author and editor.

A social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer and statesman. From enslavement by a group of European's in the 1800's, Douglas freed himself from enslavement and turned abolitionist.

Dr. John Manuel Gandy. Born in 1870 - 1947. Gandy, 3rd President of Virginia State University, also served as president of the Association of Negro Land Grants Colleges, Virginia State Teachers Association and National Association of Teachers of Colored Schools.

Together they did...

Together they did...

The first female Vice-President of The United States of America.